Thoughts for today

- If you leave an open bottle of white wine in the fridge for a month, it goes bad. Like REAL bad.
- Monavie and Vodka is DELICIOUS!
- Think I am getting less concerned about Saving the Trees the more I have to wash dishes by hand.
- "You're gonna love my nuts" makes me laugh EVERY time I hear the Slap Chop/ShamWow guy say it.
- One of my Twitter friends, @Arktist is a very talented artist, although I NEVER saw him tweet about his work. Very cool guy! Here's some of his sketches.
- Even though @Calamari and I are not dating any more, I am glad I met him because he is a TRUE friend. Even helped me with my Rez Zoom May today! What a sweetie!
- Thanks to Obit Wheelchair spam email, I am now aware that I MAY qualify for an electric wheelchair at little or no cost. Good cause I was tired of this whole 'walking' thing and I *should* invest in my retirement.
- Monavie and Vodka is REALLY DELICIOUS!
- The price of NYMEX crude seriously needs to come back to reality. People with NO jobs CAN and WILL decide to drive less furthering the rise in inventory. Just sayin.
- I am NOT an SEO or Social Media expert and I think that NObody is. You're either smart & 'get it' or you don't. It isn't magical.
- We MAY be able to save our HOME because we FORCED our lender into modification talks by not paying our mortgage for 6 months. I didn't have to pay any fees or get screwed by any scam artists.
- I don't know what the word "debian" means and I am too lazy to look it up.
- Talk show radio hosts who say that Twitter is lame and vain have little to no followers because in reality, they are pissed that no one gave a crap what they had to say.
- I can't figure out why people give a crap what I tweet about.
- Tweets like this are a total #Fail for me: RT @nbcbayareacom: Presented By: http://bit.ly/101GPY
- Tweets like this I actually LEARN something from: RT @dkmashino: http://twitpic.com/bzps8 - Pink Palace & the place in which Pave Paradise was penned apparently.
- My dad was out of his mind when he kept telling me "You catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar." Really, dad? Who the hell wants flies??
- I have something in my eye and NO it is NOT my finger.
- Our #CABudget sucks, but hey...budgets suck. Period.
- There's only ONE thing that could make this Monavie Vodka cocktail even better...It could clone itself so I don't get my butt up and make another!Note: I do not sell Monavie. I just like the taste of it.