My top #FollowFriday ppl for this week?
Those that helped get important info out to the public during the #JesusitaFire in Santa Barbara.
Those that helped get important info out to the public during the #JesusitaFire in Santa Barbara.
It was tough, at first, to determine who was giving accurate info out. I knew mine was since I was listening to Santa Barbara PD/FD scanners, watching streaming chopper coverage and that I get all of these BNO News emails.
Quickly the key players figured out who the right sources were.
RT @Cjamz Throughout the night PLEASE follow @Alonis, @socalincidents, @KCSB, @LATimescitydesk and @SBRedCross and more #jesusitafire
@Cjamz was on location and posted URGENT tweets about the fire. Every time he tweeted in ALL CAPS I knew it was important:

@LATimesCityDesk posted very useful information like this:
RT @LATimescitydesk: Check it out: Our interactive map of the Santa Barbara fire has been updated. It's packed with useful info. #jesusitafire
@Cjamz would post the evac orders on Twitter, but that wasn't going to work for me.
I had received them directly from sources such as KSBY and the City of Santa Barbara's PIO. (I've since deleted them because they are no longer needed.)
I couldn't flood all of my followers with evacuation orders in 140 bits. Instead, I posted them here on my blog & then would post them on Twitter with the proper hashtag, #Jesusita so those watching the fire via Twitter Search could link to it right away.
When all of the fire fighter's hard work began to pay off and the fire started to come under control, I realized I had connected with some great ppl.
RT @CJamz: @Alonis ALWAYS my dear! It's REALLY a pleasure to work with u and everyone else! All my best 2 you! #jesusitafire
RT @Alonis: @CJamz Keep up the great work! Be safe. Know that everyone's thoughts and prayers are with all of you guys! #jesusitafire
Nita Lelyveld runs the @LATimesCityDesk acct.
I also was trading DMs with @LATimesNystrom while he left work to go on vaca on Friday night. I got to know him a bit, as a regular person.
Nita Lelyveld runs the @LATimesCityDesk acct.
I also was trading DMs with @LATimesNystrom while he left work to go on vaca on Friday night. I got to know him a bit, as a regular person.
Great guy with ties to the Bay Area! Kewl!
Oh, and follow @ENeitzel - National PIO, Incident Social Media (ISM) cause he not only will let you know when & where the roof is on fire but he's a pretty damn funny guy!
You get a real chance to see how genuine and goodhearted ppl are during times of crisis. This was one of those times & these are some PPL with BIG hearts. :-)
Here are some other #FollowFridays that I love on Twitter but can't spend all day blogging about WHY I enjoy following them. Check them out!
@tnsltwn @FizzyDuck @NMHill @entreprediva @purplehayz @lynndorman @TradingGoddess @missdestructo @adrielhampton @pixel_jockey @scorpusmaximus @TheExpert @TheyCallMeEllis @kitson @natetang @Stardragonca @MissSimone @ocicat_bengalsterri5me2000 @vaxen_var @midalioness7 @twnstar2 @Robert_Banghart @SherrieKeysdetnews @StockJockey @mangonocturna @TigerMel @Letiitaa @BelieveAnyway @KimPossible40 @skunkhair
And last but surely not least, my sister @TenayaLeDeux
1 comment:
Hey Alonis,
Thanks for this info, and I love our style! I have friends who winter in Santa Barbara and who have just returned to Toronto. I'm not sure if the fires came close to where they were, but I got the sense that it - obviously - was a big concern. Hard to tell from way up here in Canada!?
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I will pass your link on to them, and thanks again.
FYI I have some San Fran content on my Urban Flute Project site from when I visited a year ago.
In love with California!!
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