Where can you get credible information on the Station Fire burning in Southern California online?
Accounts that I know to be official News Sources or Fire Fighter Sources;@LAFDtalk @LAFD @CalFireNews @eneitzel @AngelesNF @latimesfires @ktla @ABC7 @CJamz
*@LAFD & @LAFDTalk are for the City of Los Angeles and not the account for the Los Angeles County Fire Department. However, there is no verified @LACo account on Twitter.
Accounts that I know to be trustworthy Citizens spreading information;
@winecountrydog @twnstar2 @socalincidents @ChopperKat
Mike Brown, @plutokiller, is live tweeting the top floor of Caltech library.
Bio: Astronomer, planet hunter, Pluto killer.
RT @plutokiller: OK, all, I'm going mobile. From roof I have line of sight to Mt. Wilson towers & scopes. Stay tuned. #station
News Stations
On Facebook
RT @latimesnystrom: Want to help with SoCal fires? Here's how http://bit.ly/WIrsJ via @lanow @latimesfires @latimescitydesk
The Station Fire burning in Los Angeles County has claimed the lives of two fire fighters, Captain Tedmund "Ted" Hall and Firefighter Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones.
Quinones was a soon to be first-time-father.
Five people have refused to evacuate their home and are reportedly trapped at a ranch near Gold Creek. I was listening to the L.A. County Fire and EMS scanner when they decided it was simply too dangerous to send personnel back into Gold Creek to evacuate them. Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County sheriff said a helicopter was unable to immediately reach them because of intensity of the fire but that they would try after the flames passed through.
Note: As I am typing this, I am listening to the scanner and hearing that the five people in the Gold Creek area are still being defiant. Not sure if I heard correctly that it is either the Hathaway house or if that was the name of the road that these five people are holding out on.
Last night when I went to bed, the Station Fire had burned approximately 45,500 acres and by the time I got back to the laptop, around 9am today, it had nearly doubled in size to 85,760 acres. Just a few hours later, it reached 105,000 acres. Currently, the fire is only 5% contained and the estimated containment is date is September 15th.
I am sure there are many other resources out there that you can use, but really, this is plenty enough to follow.
- UCLA Dept of Physics & Astronomy webcam View of Mt. Wilson. *Due to heavy visitor traffic to the site, you may have to refresh several times. I have found better success with my iPhone app: WorldView Live (Search iTunes app store for that)
- InciWeb -Incident Information System
- Station Fire Evacuation, Road Closure and General Information
- County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Online Scanner
On Facebook
iPhone as a Scanner
- Emer. Radio app (Los Angeles County (Santa Clarita Valley) Fire, Sheriff and EMS)
How you can help
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation: Honors all firefighters across the nation http://www.firehero.org/RT @latimesnystrom: Want to help with SoCal fires? Here's how http://bit.ly/WIrsJ via @lanow @latimesfires @latimescitydesk
The Station Fire burning in Los Angeles County has claimed the lives of two fire fighters, Captain Tedmund "Ted" Hall and Firefighter Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones.
Quinones was a soon to be first-time-father.
Five people have refused to evacuate their home and are reportedly trapped at a ranch near Gold Creek. I was listening to the L.A. County Fire and EMS scanner when they decided it was simply too dangerous to send personnel back into Gold Creek to evacuate them. Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County sheriff said a helicopter was unable to immediately reach them because of intensity of the fire but that they would try after the flames passed through.
Note: As I am typing this, I am listening to the scanner and hearing that the five people in the Gold Creek area are still being defiant. Not sure if I heard correctly that it is either the Hathaway house or if that was the name of the road that these five people are holding out on.
Last night when I went to bed, the Station Fire had burned approximately 45,500 acres and by the time I got back to the laptop, around 9am today, it had nearly doubled in size to 85,760 acres. Just a few hours later, it reached 105,000 acres. Currently, the fire is only 5% contained and the estimated containment is date is September 15th.
I am sure there are many other resources out there that you can use, but really, this is plenty enough to follow.
Note: The title image is not mine and can be found via Yahoo search; Station Fire + Images